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Order Forms

When you need a quotation for a complete kitchen requiring all components, draw the plan of your kitchen using our sketch pad then call us on (03) 9357 9966. We will always endeavour to supply an immediate quote while you wait. You can also email the completed form to or alternatively fax it to us as we can quote by return fax.

If requiring components only, then to help you work faster we have produced 4 standard order forms. Simply download and open with Adobe Acrobat. Print as many as you need, fill in the details and email them back to or fax back to Verna on (03) 9357 9338.

Doors Order Form - Use it if only requiring purchase Door & Panels separately

Carcasses Order Form - Use it if only requiring purchase Carcasses separately

Benchtops Order Form - Use it if only requiring purchase Benchtops separately

Flat pack kitchen Order Form - Use it if requiring a complete price on all items to be assembled using our quick assemble carcass system

Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view our downloads.

Draw Kitchen

Used to order complete kitchens [download, 29Kb]

Door Order Form
Used to order kitchen doors & panels only (Vinyl, Emporite, Melamine or Solid Timber) [download, 78Kb]

Benchtop Order Form
Used to order kitchen Benchtop only (Postform or Solid Timber) [download, 90Kb]
Carcass Order Form
Used to order carcasses only [download, 98Kb]
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